Women rights in the father share of ansystral property
n s nagendra udupa
(Querist) 30 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
i am one of the daughter of my father who have passed away without making any will.my father divided the ansystral property among the sons and himself.now my fater is no more and i have married in 1996 .i have also had 6 other sisters who are married before 1988.my mother is also leaving with the one of my brother.now
1. weather i have any right in my father share of ansystral property
2.the division of ansystral property between my father ans the male sons in 1982 without mentioning any share when i am mainor is valid partion
3.can my sisters who got married before 1985 have any rights in my fathers share in ansystral property
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 30 January 2013
Being a co-parcener daughters have right in the ancestral property, in the share of their father.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 February 2013
You all sisters and your mother have right in the ancestral property even though the same was partitioned during the life time of your father during 1982.
If your father has expired after 2005 then you all have similar rights in the property as of your brothers.