Dear Experts,
I would like to discuss about my brother's situation. He had a love marriage 8 years ago and it was inter regligious. My sister in law is Christian. Marriage happened agianst parent wish at a temple and regitered undr Christian marriage act. My nephew is 6 years old now. My brother is running a business and my SIL is an IT consulatnt. Ever sincce my nephew was born, she never took care of him. He was raised by maid till 3 years old and later afte diagnosing his autism, my parents were raising him at my brothers place. Around teh same time my SIl moved for her job to Bangalore CISCO. After moving there she stopped soming and visiting the kid. She was giving different reasons for not visiting. Initally we didn't relaize this as a big problem. After few months she started to mention that she doens't want a kids or family. She enjoys partying with friend and the luxur life in CISCO. She stopped coming. At this point by nephew's diagnosis went worse. he became very hyper and aggressive and teh Dr suggest both parents to be together to raise the kid. My brother decided to moved r that and she said she will come back looking for a job in Chennai after my brother moved there in few months, my brother was shuttling between Chennai - bangalore taking care of business and kid. She will leave in at day care all day till night during weekdays and weekend she will go out partying and my brother was taking care of teh kid. One fine morning she didn't like someone asked her taht do you have a kid and she decided to send th skid back to Chennai. Since my brother refused, she quit her job and said she is going to do modeling and came to Chennai where she started torturing my brother for money to attend all different classes like dancing, swimming, gym etc., My brother will drop teh kid at schol in teh morning and she will go to gym, and all other classes and spend time withher kid and not even pick teh kid from school. When My brother asked about the she left the house. Hoever she took the kid with her and said, if you want your kid back give me divorce and 50 lakhs money. Other wise I will file dowry case on you and your parents. My parents gave her 10 lakhs money so far and they couldn't afford more. My brother couldn't focus in his business and she has put the kids in a boarding school where my brother is not allowed to visit. ew weeks back she has filed divorce. She wants money and divorce and she wants to get rid of the kid. My brother is worried if he gives divorce and what if he doesn't get the custody of the kid. What if she decides to do things like modeling / different marriage. My nephew will en up in patheitic situation. he doesn't want to give divorce until he gets teh custoday. However we are not sure what her plans are. Any suggestion. Is there a provision for father to get custody / deny the divorce for the kid with special needs.