Can a Painter working in a house sue the individual house owner in the Labour Court under payment of wages act?
Kuldeep Gauniyal (Sr Manager - Legal) 16 November 2012
Can a Painter working in a house sue the individual house owner in the Labour Court under payment of wages act?
H. S. Thukral (Lawyer) 16 November 2012
No. The Act applies to Industrial Establishments.
Kuldeep Gauniyal (Sr Manager - Legal) 19 November 2012
Thank you Thukral Saheb.
M.S.R.Murty ( Manager (Admn)) 20 November 2012
Dear Kuldeep Ji,
If the painter registered under Unorganised sector workers social security Bill and If he is having identity card to that extend can proceed to Labour Court. However checkup with expert.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 20 November 2012
But even if the Labour deptt refuse to entertained the complaint the housewoner will be reputed as wage grabber and will not likely to get any wrokman in future.
Kuldeep Gauniyal (Sr Manager - Legal) 21 November 2012
Thanks Mr. Murty. The Painter does not have any I Card but is being supported by Labour Union.
Thanks to Mr. Sudhir Kumar also. The painter is trying extract the money despite being paid in full.