Hello everyone my case is bit complicated and inrequest everyone to help in hopeless situation.me and brother in law did intrest money business and I paid them everymonth intrest but unfortunately after some time I failed to repay the intrest,but we haven't made any agreement at the time of business,but later he and his wife and friend came to my house and made a agreement regarding this,later they made cheque bounce case without my permission and knowledge,and the cheques are used here is the cheques which are produced for security at the time of agreement,later they send a legal notice but due to close family relation I haven't send reply to that later they send show cause notice.in between I have to pay some money to my another close relatives.so in this process his wife came to my house and tourchered me for money due to emotionl I said oraly that if I failed to repay I will give my house.after i attended courte for show cause notice and their lawyer asked for attachment before judgment,due to unaware of legal knowledge I said they I have paid 80 % repayment later the judge gave permission for attachment but my insisted to resolve this so me and my wife went to their house and made prapose to settle this .and to ensure my words i registered the property to their name and he promised me that he will pay some money to me and some money to my another close relatives which is the load I have taken form them.and their wife also agreed that I registered the property to that person they will not ask money to me but and he made a mou on this .but it's been 2 years and he is not saling the property and when ask the person to go mutually and ask courte for sale he is delaying that also.late ri found that as per our agreement that loan money is some of our business money some of my personal but he said only personal and he didn't informed that he is producing cheques but in courte he produced that he is informed me and I assured for payment and he illegal stoledy one cheque and he presented that also .now I feel I am helpless now my wife also want to leave eme because I don't have money and that persona helped my wife in this regarding .now I lost home family and that is the only property I have I have one girl chaild now I am hopeless and loss ally money family and respected in friend family relatives and everywhere please guide na dhelp me in this regards