Kindly follow the valuable advice of learned Mr. Bhasin.
You have pointed out that you have the receipt issued by the bank, and cheque deposited by you is of Axis Bank and is deposited in Axis Bank.
If this branch:
-is also a clearing branch you should have received the credit the very same day, latest by post lunch.
-If this branch is not the clearing not then by next day.
If the cheque was unpaid bank could have sent you the unpaid cheque with memo by the next day, by courier/redg. Post. Kindly leave instructions at your address to collect AWB bill copy in case a courier is received. You can check the date of booking, from web site of the courier.
If you have given your mobile phone number to the bank then you could have received the SMS.
If you have opted for SMS alert, then you should have received the SMS. If the SMS alert service is paid service (even if free for first year and then chargeable from next year) then bank should alerted you by SMS. If bank has not alerted you by SMS it is a lapse. SMS alert is a centralized service and operations of the bank are online. Kindly catch hold of one brochure/form of SMS alert showing highlight of the service and applicable charges.
Axis bank claims it is technologically superior and this is marketed as USP of the bank. Bank has not lived up to its claim.
Did the customer care issue you the unique reference number/docket number of your complaint to you during your first phone call? If not it is violation of the guidelines. Did they issue new complaint number during your follow up call? If yes it is wrongdoing.
Kindly check and if the bank is defaulted you can demand written apology from the BM of the bank and interest and damages. You can highlight that bank is incompetent and BM, and other concerned cells and officials of the bank are incapacitated.
RBI has posted guidelines at their website.