condonation of delay;;;;Honble g.s.singhbi andA K Ganguly JJpassed the judgment on feb 26 ,2010 civil appeal no2075 0f 2010against order passed by Honble GUJ ARAT HIGH COURT.there was delay of1065 days.the high court of gujarate however condoned an application of delay.honable supreme court held;;;to avid dilatory tactics in seeking remedy the expression sufficient cause embodied in section 5 of the limitation act of 1963 so that a liberal approach in condoning the delayfor a short duration while a stricter approachwhere the delay was inordinate might be adopted to enable the courts to apply the law in a meeningful manner.condonation of delay wasa held to be erroneously assumed.this is the latest case law in the matter of condonation of delay.