Dear Members,
I have got married in the year 2009 and have a 2 year old daughter. My wife left on her own to her parents home in the month of oct 2011, the reason being that i have to left my parents and should serve all the ties with them. I didnt heed to that and after 5 months she is saying that she had done wrong and wantsw to come back( In these 5 months i ahve gone thorugh the hell, she her parents have bad mouthed us. I also feared of filing false 498a, dowry & DV cases. ) , this is not the first instance in the year of 2010 also for the same reason she had enacted a sucide drama when i didnt heed she came after 1 month saying sorry and this will not get repeated. Now when they approched me through other persons i told that i never belive her as she is doing it deliberatly. They are saying that she is ready to give in wrinting any thing we want and she wants to come back. But i fear that the things will get reapeted. I know in family matters these type of agreements have no value. Please guide me wether this type of agreements will hold good in the court of law, if any things happen, if holds good what whould be there in the agreement of affidivate.
waiting for the valuable suggestions from the members.