Your personality trait is one that of belief in polyamory i.e. free thinking progressive woman of 21st. century of urbane India who does not shy away showcausing X as her B/F then choosing Y as live-in partner and now some Z as possible husband when time to settle down from self experiments comes to thinking end. These are called transition in a triad relationship graduating from curiosity then to experiment in live-in to now settling down just like what we say in youth related discourse programs we attend to, to bring rebellious youths to mainstream for social productive utilization of their abilities; ‘been there, done that now you live and learn it’ is as simple as it expresses from the query. Such facts are easier to bring in change in orthodox parents also is my observation. Parents also need to catch-up with today’s youth and understand emerging society pressure and expectations as some of needs of the hour as point of view instead of locking children up with no real-time communication to outside world which is not the solution parent shall offer when faced with such delimmas.
In presented facts situation it is suggested to tell all about your past to your parents and allow parents to take charge and control the emerging situation out of extending protection to their own daughter’s safety, security and well being and parents do give-in after initially undergoing loads of roller coaster emotional shock being orthodox from generations they have accustomed to, provided if all these are reasoned well now by a empowered daughter.
Post all these passing phase, for future settlement of yours also tell parents to select the one who understand today’s youth’s transitions phase and one who is not as orthodox as you’re my parents! The current proposed Mr. Z naturally is out in consideration zeroing down list for the time being.
Learn from the past where you spent experimental youth instead of feeling guilt about it sharing with once own parents; it was never meant ending into marriage –simple!. Hence no need to carry loads of this guilt to once grave and if same reasoned before orthodox parents they understand eventually after few reluctances and resistance.
So far as chastity of today’s youth is concerned which orthodox parents still highly treasure and give lengthy lectures about as way of thinking lifestyle they were attuned to, reason them out the dramatic transition society is adapting to and again they will give-in after few familial melodramas while agreeing to disagree youth speak but then initial dialogue motion is achieved within once own family instead of seeking just resolution from invisible social media forum.
Then tell them to contact a seasoned advocate who can by his social influence and social authority call your ex partner to his Chamber and reason out the concept of live-in and seek his assurance to leave you for good from further stalking otherwise……….
All these are achievable if one is clear and no mischief in heart for future afterall one too many parties emotions, sentiments and relationship issues resolution are at stake and need careful forward thinking handling by all concerned and BTW Sections of Law usage is not advisable when by Chamber talk issues such as this can be put to amicable ending.