Dear Sir(s), Good Evening,
I am a mother of a victim who was molested at the age of 11, by a family member, the child looked up to him as a father...this is incest, pedophillic act.
At the age of approx 22, it came to my notice that this had happened, after a series of serious psychatric problems, the girl had hidden the point typical of indian girls, who live in fear and shame, but here it erupted in a major psychatric issue, leading to severe inflamed mental state which erupts in suicidal tendencies. She is under treatment.
The offense and offender is from west bengal, the victim settled in north india, due to her severe medical issue,her mental state will not b able to withstand the torture of facing court, with the fact there is no psychatrist in this place where the offender is, her mental state is not stable and such tedious pressure can inflame the mental condition,the immense pressure will blow her brains...need to save her, she has her doctor here, and is under heavy medication still and under counselling....
the jurisdiction point surfaces...we need to fight from offenders/offense there no clause in INDIA that will understand the victims state of mind??? And permit us to file a case from north india? is there any way to do so please help??? Even if we need to plea high court ...that will give the rights we are ready to do so..
Please help?? Please??
We want to file a case from Punjab, the victim is from punjab, the offender from west bengal.
We want to proceed with the case and this factor is making it amazingly difficult....
Can we make a plea in high court?
can we plea in supreme court?
How long does it take high court to make a decision?
how long does supreme court take to make a decision?
is there any way to proceed with this case by shifting the jurisdiction? its unfair on the victim, the offender will still bask in his domain is that justice? while we run around n harass a patient? I hope India has saner laws? Please oblige?
Thank You, to each one of you interested/taking part here in advance.
Yours Gratefully,