My daughter recently married to a boy. This is the 2nd marriage for both of them. But after marriage from the very first day he started using abusive words to my daughter. The marriage is completely a disaster. She couldn't tolerate the mental torture, so she retured back to me. At first she used to go back to him to sort out the things but this was of no use. Even sometimes he demanded dowry. In their 4 months of marriage she couldn't stay more than 15 days with him. Though we don't have any proof of him demanding dowry as he told all these to my daughter verbally what the steps we can take to give him a good lession so that he never dares to spoil life of any other girl. Can we file 498a against him? What type of proof is needed to launch such type of case. Should my daughter stay with him for some more times to make the case strong? Please advise.