Hi ,
Two years before i had a call from bank to have a loan against my credit card.But draft was not delivered to me.The bank demanded me to have a indeminity bond of Rs.220/- to reissue the draft otherwise to pay the loan amount .From next monthly statement the amount started to reflect.Later i have shifted my address and not recieving statement and other written communication.Now iam getting daily continous harrassment calls demanding repayment.This calls now extended to my family members,friends and to my office number, which extended me to file a criminal case as a phone harrassment.Now the card is blocked.Uptill now ,I have received only phone calls in my present address.I have given a e-mail complaint to bank but not received satisfactory reply.The present recovery amount is including other transactions I had earlier.Iam not ready to repay this since of latter issue.
What is the permanent solution for this?
Should I proceed to banking ombudsman,even though I havent received any legal notice?
What is the validity of the legal rules in this case?
What will be the banks next predicatble steps?