I know what these students did, actually I studied with them but was away from the College Hostel premises on the day it happened.
I am just too scared to reveal the info,fearing for my safety and career, will mail you the details, if you are interested and can help poor illiterate Parents located somewhere deep in the Rural India.
The incident happened in the night time around 23:00 hrs during the moth Aug - Sep .The accused were sharing their brave act with the rest of the Student community ( they are all College hostel inmates) and I did actually listen to them describe the brutual ,heinous act shared with the Student community.
The case was held in Coimbatore Sessions Court for more than 4 years.
Anyways..the shocking part is..how can someone ,"accussed of" Murder and who has his name in the Police records get a Passport?
When you apply for a Passport, you have to get a Police clearance certificate?
It means..if you have any Legal case in your name..you are not eligible to get a Passport.
Just curious to know..if the Law was 'bent' for them and is there a separate Law for the Students mentioned in the website and other 1000s of Students who were not even able to get a Job..because of pending/prior Criminal/Police records?