The information i got from lawyer and family is , he wanted our relatives to get involved and see for talk together.Only on this ground it was rejected.So we moved to high court.I feel there is a negligence from my lawyer end or something is not correct.i am trying to see with my case number when court will ready to hear my appeal .its been total of 8 months the appeal filed in high court.
would it be advisable to handle the case through another lawyer have been waiting from last May for the appeal to be heard in court and see the case status prefers not to call him often.he mentioned the court date for me as dec 14th but then i see nothing happened that day and he said it will be over by jan ,feb and march.
I am afraid if i ask for other lawyer help would it be a problem ? its a mutual divorce no property division involved .Not sure how to get this and have been struggling two years.I appreciate all your responses.
If anyone would like to help and practices in high court of kerala i would like to have their contact information message so i can reach them out for help.