Dear Sir/Madam
I need your opinion/professional consultancy in subject to a tenanacy dispute in Kolkata. I'm trying to provide all the detail so please bear with me for the lengthy post.
My widowed and childless aunt (senior citizen) has been living in a very good locality in Kolkata for above 35 yrs as a tenant and there is no tenancy agreement for the same. The original tenant for the house was my aunt's late father-in-law, who had two sons with one occpying the ground floor and my aunt and uncle living in the mezanine floor. Now all was well till my aunt's father-in-law was alive but after his death in early 80's the tenancy was still in place but somewhere during the time period my aunt's brother-in-law colluded with one of the owner (the said property is jointly owned by two brothers) and got the rent bill name transfered to his name. When this was known to my aunt and uncle they protested but was falsely made to believe nothing was wrong in it and being naive they believed it too.
Later in 2006 by uncle passed away and from then onwards my childless aunt has been living alone in the mezzanine floor and her brother-in-law and her wife started hurling abuses to her and made the use of common toilet very troublesome. She being alone was scared of the situation and started partially living with me and coccasioanlly visiting her place.
During this period we were made aware that her brother-in-law is planning to forcefully break into her mezzanine floor and seek possession. So we took the matter to a lawyer and we filled an injunction on the said premise making her brother-in-law and one of the owner as defendent.
Now today morning we have come to know that her brother-in-law has made a set of duplicate keys and entered the mezzanine floor with the injunction still in place. We then went to police and gave a GD but they refused to interfere any further and said they will be following the court's order which I do understand too. So please guide me what should be done to have them severly punished now.
Thanks in advance.