or anyone else who colud elaborate on this point made in this thread
"Also important is the limitations of time and jurisdiction. Your mail is silent on these also."
JACK WELCH (Student) 31 August 2012
or anyone else who colud elaborate on this point made in this thread
"Also important is the limitations of time and jurisdiction. Your mail is silent on these also."
as per the Judgement of the Hon'bl Supreme Court (in Inderjit Singh Grewal Vs.State of Punjab & Another; DOJ.23.08.2011.Bench.P.Sathasivam & B.S.Chauhan ,see paragraph 24 of the said Judgement;Arising out of SLP.CRL.NO.7787 Of 2010)The Petition under D.V can be filed only within 1 yr from the date of commission of the alleged offence,else the Case is not tenable.