one non technical employee joined in one organisation with managament trainee for one year and three years contract and after he will normal grade and in the same way technical employee joined in same organisation with managemt trainee and three years contract perio and after he also on normal grade as stated above, and two employee serve organisation with one lakh bond for four years. in employment notifacation advertisement and offet letter rules terms and condition are same and bond obligation,remuneration, grade, etc. are same to above two employees.
but tecnical people lined up for interview for next higher grade and not line up to non technical employee and employer calrification is for motivating technical people we are lined up for interview and also employer given a clarification non technical person service period of four years under bond period it will not include in service period even he on rolls of company at the time joining as management trainee.
but non technical employee arguing that my offer letter rules and regulation, bond obligation of one lakh rupees, remuneration are same in advertisement notification employer mentioned terms conditon r same,
so i need advice clarification for below points.
1) if non technical employee joined in management trainee on onrolls and four years bond period and he completed four years, i need clarification whether that person will get four years service period in service,
2) technical and nontecnical person joined in same batch with same terms and condition, same offer letter, same remuneration, same bond obligation,same grade, and benifit are equal, whether non technical employee elgible for next higher grade promotion as like technical employee
3) how non technical employee approach for legal action