Shreya Shah (Company Secretary) 22 August 2009
CS Pooja (Company Secretary) 22 August 2009
Dear Shreya
U can attach a slip on the face of the annual report mentioning the mistake on page no. XX for memners' notice.
Alternately, in case, where the annual report have already been dispatched, you may give a notice of the correction in the newspaper too.
AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer) 22 August 2009
Dear Sherya Shah,
You can either reprint another copy of revised Annual Report after rectification,
OR issue Corrigendum to the already dispatched Reports and Notices,
but as per you, and in your case Annual Report of the Company is not yet dispatched.
Then how it is possible to issue corrigendum....?
In general Corrigendums will issue to rectify mistakes fo dispatched and announced Notices and Reports, But your case is different one. Let wait some more replies from other learned friends.
Meanwhile, if possible to issue corrigendume in your case, kindly go through the attached document.