I have a housing property with approx 23 tenants. the property is around 80 years old and most of the tenants are old and living from years. however now i want to sell it. i have a brother who is a consenting party to it. i wanted to know how i can sell it without going into years of litigation and on whta grounds can the tenants obtain a stay order from the court on the sale of the property and what laws are governing my case. the market value of the property is estimated to be around 1.5 - 1.8 crores. i want to sell it within a year or max 2 years. also tell me on what grounds can the tenants obtain stay from the court. the property is in a bad shape and recently a part of the property colapsed due to rain. i have already served a notice mentioning that the property is in dilapidated state and i will not be responsible for any loss to person or property.