Simple and short query for the experts on this forum
- I am a freelance software developer living independently since 2 years before marriage
- Marriage date : 14 Dec 14
- Location : Zirakpur, Punjab
- Expense on wedding : approx 80,000 INR
- Baraatis : 25
- Milnis : none
- Shaguns : none
- Gifts : none
- Raw footage : available
- Pictures : available
- First argument : regarding student loan repayment after marriage but payment in her father's personal account not in loan account
- Second argument : constant interference of her family
- Attempts to reconcile after family interference : 5 (five) + 3 (three) in police station
- She left me : 14 June 15
- went back on the pretext of talking to her father since all family relatives and friends who were trying to counsel her were asking her to expand family and to move to another city with me where a job offer was available
- changed and updated facebook before leaving (proofs available)
- claimed she does not want kids since her expensive demands should be met first (proofs available)
- Filed police complaint on 26 June 15
- domestic violence
- dowry
- mental torture
- thrown out of house for dowry
- cameras in bedroom
- Police complaint #1 - proofs were asked, none were provided by them, instead arrest was demanded
- Police complaint #2 - asking superior officer to arrest but no proofs provided
- Police investigation has been closed due to no proof of dowry, dowry demands, domestic violence or regarding any other sub-complaints
- It was proved to the police by me
- she left in planned manner
- she had never been refused to call her parents or family
- she left with brother
- she left in good condition (CCTV camera footage at place of friend where breakfast was taken on the day; before she left to meet her father in Bathinda)
- her messages claiming that she did not want kids and hence was not willing to live with me
She has also filed a case of maintenance to the tune of 1.5 lakh per month and this was filed fifteen days after the first police complaint.
Despite of leaving on her own accord, and refusing to come back and making statements in front of the Investigating officers that she does not want to have kids with me, I do not understand why I have to submit to this legal torture and then pay this maintenace amount to her.
She is well educated, a BTech engineer with previous job employment in Bathinda and Chandigarh, I am a Bachelor in Computer Applications and an owner of company with one employe which is me. Why should I pay my hard earned money to support her whims and fancies?
Please advise course of action and best possible effort that should be done in this regard.