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Bipinkumar Jayani (     01 July 2011

Forcefully erection of Electric pole on agricultural land

What are remedies available to owner of the land in which electric pole forcefully erected by electric company for supplying electric to individual user?

owner has issued objection letter,  even if whitout giving any notice/intimation or whithout complying rule of natural justice.

what is available remedies to the owner after forcefully/illegally  erection and  laying down of electric pole for use of only single private user? 

 6 Replies

Ambika Prasad Mishra (Lawyer)     01 July 2011

You can approach High Court to issue prohibitory Orders against the Electricity Company. 

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Shashikant V. Patil (Lawyer)     01 July 2011

If the said erection is controlled by state, then as per Indian Telegraph Act , you cannot take objection.  And if it is done by Pvt. Co. it can be settled by paying compensation to the owner, otherwise you can take objection and file a Police Complaint first.

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shrikant (LAW OFFICER)     01 July 2011

Rightly advised by patil sir

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Raghav Sood (Lawyer)     12 July 2011

under electricity act and telegraph act if there has been sanctioned scheme in those matters they made publication and settle compensation first however their acts can be challenged even in civil court if they have suitable alternative or have not paid any compensation i.e. execept your land they cannot be allowed to errect or install pole in middle of it by making entire land a waste land you can seek injunctive relief

Siddharth Lamba (Owner)     27 March 2012

Sir, I have a plot which has four electric poles in it, when the electric dept. was contacted they said shifting is possible but are asking for a massive bribe....kindly advise me what can be done is a commercial plot....can i go to court???


Dear Shri Lamba,


You may alert  the local Anti corruption wing and arrange a trap to redhand  such corrupt Officers.

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