first survey shows 2000 sq.ft encroachment. Second survey shows zero [not showed by plantif]. Court survey shows 190 sqft. Claim is for 2000 sqft. Defendant says zero. Why three surveys differ? If u r a Judge what will u suggest?
vishvesh (general manager) 22 January 2010
first survey shows 2000 sq.ft encroachment. Second survey shows zero [not showed by plantif]. Court survey shows 190 sqft. Claim is for 2000 sqft. Defendant says zero. Why three surveys differ? If u r a Judge what will u suggest?
Dirgesh kumar sharma (Advocate) 23 January 2010
Joint Servey ,
application put up befor court appoint the commissioner .
appointed commissioner and servery department officer and applicant and defendend then servey report submmited.