Im one of those unlucky guys, where my wife and in laws are harassing me to leav my parents and join them.Last week it was a marraige of my wifes sister and we all went happily.Now after marriage she is nto ready to come back to me telling that I should come to thier house and listen only to her. She has already attempted suicide once to threaten me and im concerned now not for me but for my two daughters.
My father in law is a cheater involved in unauthorised chit fund scam, being a goverment employee along with my co-brother, who amasssed a.5 crores fo public money and declared bankrupt wantedly so that they can save themselves.In fact my brother is also a victom by them. Now that they have money, they are trying to threaten me as they think they have money and can buy police and law anytime.
I got two daughters and im concerned only about them as Im fed up of my wife and her parents constantly threatening me agisnt dowry act.In fact, I did not take any dowry and till today not even once i asked any favour from them.
How can I ensure my father in law lose his job and get accussed in the criminal act and teach my wife a lesson...
Please help..