My father wants to file case on my two aunts because she got property from grand father in the year of 2005 .
First aunt got property from grand father is 80 square yards.
Second aunt got property from grand father is 70 square yards .
Both properties registered as gift settlement deed from my grand father that is an ancestral property.
Again first aunt got property from grand mother is 30 square yards as gift settlement registered deed in the year of 2005.My grand mother bought from outside person the amount sponsored by my grand father.
(1) kindly provide the fees details including percentage how much do we need to deposit at court.
Govt.rate per square yard is 11000/-
(2) At above mentioned property do we need to deposit on total square yards they got or my father particular share only as per shariat act.
(3) If i want to deposit the amount in court do i need to deposit on land value only or and also on particular construction value .(Like ground floor, first, second floor).
(4) Court deposited amount will we get back in future after winning or losing the case.
(5) what are the minimum and maximum lawyer fees to deal the case.
(6) kindly provide the approximate time to complete case at taluk court (mandal court).
Kindly clarify it , we are in confusion we don't know the rules and regulations and percentages to deposit the amount in court.
Thanking you in anticipation of your help.
Dear Sir/Madam, Since your case is complicated case as such I require documents and same may be send to my email for detailed legal advise.
With Regards,
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar