The relation ship between my wife and me has turned sour. She is also always fighting with my parents. Her parents are always threatening and may surely file 498A .However, we had never asked for dowry. Also i have taken adequate precaution for 498A , like submitting letters in Police Station. Also, several recordings where in, she and her parents have put what so ever allegation, but never a single word abt dowry. So, i am not much worried abt 498A.
However, i do fear 406. My wife and her parents have ordinary back ground. They hardly gave her any stridhan. Only, one small gold set, not worth more than 1.5 Lakhs. But my parents were sincere in marriage and they gifted her jewellery worth almost 10 lakhs during marriage ceremony. This is visible in the marriage video recordings. However no countersigned list was ever prepared by both parties for the exchanged items and gifts.
Her mother side jewellery is with her. The jewellery gifted by my parents is in the custody of my parents. I am sure, they will ask for it under 406. is there any way, my parents can sae their given gold ornaments as they can see, that this marriage is on the verge of breaking ? Please advise friends.