1.She filed MC petition under HMA, in West Bengal. But she is residing as an Indian Muslim in Andhrapradesh and she married me as per Muslim rituals in Andhrapradesh. Interim Order Rs.3000 rupees granted to wife. Now, Can I challenge Interim Order under Sec.340 Cr.pc. Here, wife is residing in two states with two different castes. We collected her AP voterid, aadhar, ration card proofs and we got West Bengal voter id. Here, wife's family also residing in two states with two different castes. Provide me the solutions how to Quash the maintanance case and how can I get Divorce?
2. Can I summon my wife to produce her caste certificate or ID proofs Under Sec. 91 Cr.pc. in both states i.e., Andhrapradesh and West Bengal?
3. If once the court grants Interim Maintanance to wife, based on these grounds can husband get Divorce? If yes, kindly explain the procedure with petition formats.