Danish (Engineer ) 02 August 2014
Suneet Gupta (www.vashiadvocates.com) 13 August 2014
This is a breach of contract and they can take you to court for specific performance or file a case of cheating. It is advisable that you settle the issue amicably with your former employers.
Arpit lalan (Legal Consultancy/Advocate) 27 August 2014
please go with advice of Mr. Suneet Gupta. You need to meet them personally thtough a lawyer. Effect a Dialogue and close it amicably. Tell your employers to settle it out of court with you. You ahould have served notice period or else waited for the bond period to get over.
Arpit lalan (Legal Consultancy/Advocate) 27 August 2014
Also, hiring a Lawyer in your case is essential. At the first instance you try talking to them. If they dont come around go in with your lawyer to talk and negotiate. But remember be present at all times!