Is there any rule to dismiss/ reject all the cases put to lower court and to forward it to high court for decision. Are lower court are dummy court. Commomn man cannot afford the cost of higher court is the situation still exist
Praveen (Sr.Officer) 12 December 2009
Is there any rule to dismiss/ reject all the cases put to lower court and to forward it to high court for decision. Are lower court are dummy court. Commomn man cannot afford the cost of higher court is the situation still exist
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 12 December 2009
There is a long pendancy with High Courts Mr!
At present 30 lakh cases are pending with Hih courts which take even 15-20 years for disposal in various matters. If you suggestion is implimented then you cannot expect theri disposal till your life time.