Hi All,
Step1 - husband filed petition
Step 2 - wife made an objection.
step3 - husband made an objection for step2
step4 - wife again objected by giving rejoinder adding step2
step5 - husband seeked for mediation
Step5.1 - Discussion happened, Husband seeking divorce and child custody,daughter aged 5.5 yrs is staying with her father. and not willing to join her mother as mother has not taken care of the kid since daughter 2 month old, but husband tried a lot to convince, but with lot of struggle, husband and wife living seperate for 1 and half years. and not contacts,
wife Not ready to give divorce and want child custody, husband not agreeing to give child as the husband does not want to put the child under trauma and live the child under cruel mother.
Step5.2 - as wife did not agreed for giving divorce, the mediators gave the date which is in this step
so what could be happened at this step if both husband and wife does not come for conclusion.
Husband need divorce and child custody.
wife does not want to give divorce and need child custody.
Property worth more than 70 lkhs are in the both husband and wife name, wife enjoying the property( house), where as husband is staying in rented house.
Please suggest me what can be done to get divorce and child from her