If medi. allow. is a fix salary component then is it exempted 15000pa u/s10 after subn of bills? Or only medical reimbursement are exempted u/s 10?
ersh............. (student) 06 December 2010
If medi. allow. is a fix salary component then is it exempted 15000pa u/s10 after subn of bills? Or only medical reimbursement are exempted u/s 10?
Kumar Doab (FIN) 16 February 2011
It is believed " Medical Reimbursment" shall be disbursed to you on submission of medicine/medical bills in original along with concerned form in original duly flled and signed by you.
The company may have a policy/process to disburse on monthly/quarterly/half yearly/annual basis as chosen or as chosen and declared by employee.
If employee does not claim company shall pay you the annual/leftover amount but after adding it to total income and thus after TDS.