I really appreciate the Vigour with which husbands and their families are fighting injustice . Kudos to them
However I feel that the husband is made to pay money EVEN IN the most false and frivolous casses file by wife, when the case ends in courts
initially it starts as monthly maintenance and then becomes lumpsum (when case ends ...wherever it end(s)
example : terrible allegations that she was told to sleep with father in law : 498a still NOT over : still 15 lakhs alimony : https://wp.me/p7s7-1eR
if it is a rich man EVEN after false cases it can be 50 lakhs ....1 crore ....house etc => payment to wife Example ".....While holding that Srinivas has proved his case of mental cruelty for seeking divorce, a bench of justices KS Radhakrishnan and Dipak Misra, however, asked him to pay Rs 50 lakh to ensure that his wife lives with dignity and comfort and not in penury after the divorce....." : Mandolin srinivas case
if it is a poor man it is 5 lakhs ...10 lakhs etc => payment to wife
example https://wp.me/p7s7-1hs
the legal costs are extra : Just imagine how much this guys must have lost to LOOSE the case
IF the husband legally re marries also he will loose quite some property
example https://wp.me/p7s7-1hl
when wife asks for trasferring her case ...100 km...400 k,m 1000 km also it will be transferred
there are MANY more such cases
so making the husband pay thru the nose is the worst thing EVEN if you are ready to sit in jail for months , fight the case for years, finally husband is MADE TO PAY !!!!!
this payment feeds the FALSE case filing women and their supporters and un scrupulous people
how to effectively cut of such payments ? how to stop rewarding false 498a wives, how to stop un just enrichment
@ATMwithDick on twitter or
https://vinayak.wordpress.com/ on wordpress or
https://evinayak.tumblr.com/ (recent blog so recent cases )
FOR 100s of high court and supreme court cases
Father of a lovely daughter, criminal in the eyes of a wife, son of an compassionate elderly mother, old timer who hasn't given up, Male, activist