Ashwani Bhatt (Sr. Assistant) 09 May 2016
Ritesh Maity (Labour Law Advocate) 09 May 2016
Without going through the details and nature of your contract it is really very difficult to advice.
If the contract was renewed for time to time, you have some chance, otherwise very less.
Please consult a labour law advocate with all your documents.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 09 May 2016
Your counsel may opine that 'Artificial Break' might be possible to handle.
Consult an able counsel specializing in labor-service matters.
The seasoned employee's/trade union leaders can provide support.
There are many threads on such issues that you can search on left hand side e.g;
Your states might have enacted some laws and benefist that you can inquire from O/o Labor commissioner and DC...