Please tell me how to proceed for requesting Supreme Court to recall its Order Without Jurisdiction.
Aminu Deen (Principal Scientist) 30 April 2015
Please tell me how to proceed for requesting Supreme Court to recall its Order Without Jurisdiction.
slakshmanrao (accounts officer) 05 May 2015
Supreme Court is the highest Judiciary in India.In the earlier years,SCI had issued circulars specifically indicating the territorial jursidction within India.The principle or the practice might not have undergone any change from August!2009 till the fourth day of may 2015.
Jeetender Gupta (Advocate) 09 May 2015
slakshmanrao (accounts officer) 28 May 2015
Here are certain channels which are applicable to Government Officials/Pensioners.In general,the issues are taken care of by the Aadalat Cell from respective regions.The decision conveyed by the Aadalt cell is normally final.Only in the event of any disagreement,Central Administrative Tribunal can be approached...For people who are not at government,Legal route through consumer forum,Family court and HC of the concerned state(s) will permit the case on case to case basis.At any given point of time the state/Central government may not come into picture till the out come of the concerned judiciary is known..
slakshmanrao (accounts officer) 28 May 2015
Government Officials/Pensioners alone are required to exhaust all the channels before resoreting to legal route.Which is why,!!! Aadalt Cell!!! of the respective regions takes care of the issues,which have direct bearing in service matters...Basic Principle to be followed before resorting to legal route....