I had rented a flat, which was not in a good condition and have altered with my expenses and brought my family and set up all the things. Now the flat is in a good condition and my owner had visited to inspect the flat. After seeing that the flat is in a good condition, he is asking me to vacate the flat as he wants his relatives to occupy the flat giving me 1 month time to search for a new flat.
There is no rental agreement. I have spent enough time,money and energy in altering and cleaning the flat so that my family does not suffer. Now this sudden change of mind of owner has left me in a tight corner and I am disturbed mentally as I had spent enough time, money and energy in altering the flat and also in shifting and assembling my luggage.
I was expecting to stay at least an year and it has been only 1.5 months after renting the flat.
There are no proofs of payment of rent and deposit as he has refused to take it online or through cheque and insisted only on cash payment. I have paid 2 months of deposit. He is now refusing to even collect the rent and pressurizing me to vacate. Is there any way in which by taking support of law i could stay in flat for few more months so that i can search for a good alternate one.