Mr. A (Hindu) is owner of huge property, aquired by him at city and village and ansestoral property at village, has five son 1,2,3,4 & 5 and no daughter, Mr. A dies suddenly with his wife in 2003.No will is done, his son 3,4&5 posses all the property as son 1 & 2 moved out for job during Mr. A's lifetime and made good living, but remained part of joint family. Now son 3,4&5 are not ready to share any part of property..and secerately selling portion of land at village.
- Can son 2 file partition suit?
- or he is entitled to file a suit any time in future?
- what will happen to portion son 3,4&5 have already sold?
- what would be court fee if son 2 files partition suit? on whole property valuation amount?
- or on his share i:e 1/5th share.?