Dear Everyone ,
Me and my wife know each other prior to marriage since 2004, she is my junior in my college and we both loved each other . The emotional bondage with her made me possessive so much that i compeletly forgot about my career and involved to help her in each and every thing .
Wihout my knowing an emotional trauma had attacked me prior to marriage , and due to which i lost confidence on my self , and had gradually became and addiction to her . Atlast I got married on Feb 2012, but the fast i received the divorce notice .
I was working in kurnool and she is working in hyderabad , Her parents gave importance more to her job only rather to our family life and relation , still i adjusted . Every week i used to travel to hyderabad . Small arguments were focused by their parents into a larger picture.
Due to these emotional disturbances i was also being attacked by dacoits once and kidnapped for a day . Still there was no sympathy towards me , it happened during may 2012. Later one day their parents, her relatives came along with her to my house . Her uncle instead of convincing , focused only me as the mistake . Out of short anger it went into a big fight b/w all and they had taken her to her house . After a couple of days i was called by their lawyer for dicussion. I have not taken any dowry , but their parents asked me 7.5 lacs for marriage expenses . They didnt allow to discuss with her till i pay the money , once i paid the money entire thing changed ,and mou was made b/w both for a mutual consent . It continued for ayear , as they felt there is no progess with that lawyar they changed the lawyar and again i was called by another lawyar.
I just requested him to arrange to speak with her for 10 min , he too said me to sign on the papers for mutual consent so that i can be filed in the court , As i already lost once with one lawyar , i said i wont sign though i signed on MOU for a mutual consent . After a couple of days they a have sent a notice to me to attend the court .
I wanted to know till date she is the legally wedded wife to me , and can i go their house to meet her as they changed her mobile no.
There is a lot to share for opinion please advice based on the above , I am really in help of a lawyar who can help me properly.