I am hearing PRL Junior Civil Judge, who are they. What is the difference between PRL Junior Civil Judge and Civil Junior Judge.
Sreenivas V (S/W) 01 May 2011
I am hearing PRL Junior Civil Judge, who are they. What is the difference between PRL Junior Civil Judge and Civil Junior Judge.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 01 May 2011
Practically there is no separate designation for this post and word is Civil Judge (Junior Division).
G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate) 13 May 2011
There is no diference. But where there are somany junior civil judges in the same jurisdiction, One of the junior civil judge will be acted as Principal Junior civil judge, who is senior among / between them. The Principal Junior civil judge's court is institution court. The suit or petitions which are filing intial stage / filing first time, the suits or Original Petitions will be filed in the principal junior civil judge's court. Then the office of the Principal junior civil judge's court will be scrutinised the file, if the same is in correct lines as per procedure, the suit or petition will be numbered and entetained by the same court or it may be made over to other junior civil judges court for the disposal of the file with due process of law.