Dear All,
I'm one among the EIGHT Childrens of my parents, and my father had never return a WILL on anyone of my relations in the family of 8 childrens( 4 Daughters & 4 Sons). One Brother(3rd Son of my family) had gone from house long back 10+ years. He's alive as per last year 2015, but not reponsive to my Elders both brothers and sisters till date. They Want to SELL THE HOUSE early and close among them, without any FIR Registered for Missing Brother(3rd Son) till date, forclosure the property dispute in 2016.
As father had died in the year 2010 and mother in 2013, dispute between my elder brothes,sisters with me for many years since my mother died, rejecting my share of property, threatened by muscle, political and money power FORCED TO SIGN the RELEASE DEED from the Property, saving my life.
Any legal Remeady, for the CANCEL THE RELEASE DEED for my property share and claim the rights back with equal share of property sale in future?
Pls request your valuable suggestions and guide me in this property dispute