My father brought 2 lands one in '82 and other in '83 on my mother and on his name,these 2 are open lands at that time,Now,my father demised last year he kept only xerox copies of the registered documents in the file and never used to tell even my mother that the lands were sold out to somebody and it is true to my mother and we upto our knowledge he never sold it out.Now after careful study of the registered docs we took the EC's till date even online they show my mother and father's name as claimants and rest executants as i dont know almost all died.Now I and mom went to survey our land some person/s built a compound walls and shedded small roof.So,can help me how to proceed further when i only have xerox docs,ec's etc,rest after my father all legal heir wise documents I hold in original.I AM HELPLESS in this solution?EVEN THE certified copy shows same matter.