Our family is like this:
Property : In the name of my mother and father (joint)
My Father - Expired. My Mother - living in the property with my sister's son, his wife and sister's daughter. My Sister (Expired). Myself - Living in a rented accommodation. My younger brother - Living separately in his own house. My youngest brother (expired), after love marriage (not with the concent of our parents) he used to live separately. After he expired, his wife has made number of litigations (cases) on us like domestic violence, through women cell etc.
There is no stay from the court to sell the property. My mother, myself and my brother are ready to sell the property. Now my question is can we sell the property (atleast our share) i.e. 50% (my mother share) + 10% (my mother share from my father's 50%) + 10% my share from my father + 10% my younger brother's share from father's 50%. That comes to 80% of the property.
While making the paper can we clearly write in the papers that we are selling 80% of the property.
Is like this selling the property a crime ??
Kindly guide.