When a cheque is delivered personally with or without a letter, treasurer or secretary is bound to accept it. But the problem is that the Society will deny that you made an attempt to deliver personally. In order to avoid such a situation you go to Society’s office with 2 witnesses and tell the Society’s officer that those who had come with you are witnesses. If he still dares to refuse, write on the letter “refused to accept” and all three of you sign underneath. Then write a letter of complaint to the Registrar, enclosing the refused letter and cheque and request him to order the Society to accept the cheque.
Also you can drop the cheque with the covering letter in the drop box. Write at the back of the cheque “towards repairs”.
If the Society does not appropriate your amount in the manner in which you want, do not bother. Keep yourself an account of your dues and payments. The Society will not be able to recover the amount from you under Sec: 101, without giving proper justification.