My wife filed DV against me and my family in nellore.
In interim application she is asking for right to residence in Bangalore.
We did not stay any time together in bangalore house.
This bangalore house is under my name and currently mortgaged with bank and
Just because she is working in Bangalore she is asking for rights to residence in Bangalore and she wants to stay in that house only.
No one has ever lived in bangalore house as it is still under construction.
Can judge in Nellore has jurisdiction to grant residence rights in Bangalore even though it is not a shared house?
As per her salary slip she receives 13k every month as House rent allowance and takes home approximately 80k per month.
Can experts tell me why my wife is insisting on to stay in bangalore house only but not anywhere?
Is there any evil strategy behind this?
I am out of job ever since she filed false cases and unemployed.
Can experts guide me in how to put up my defence in counter?
Appreciate any response.