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gopi nath   14 June 2019

Senior citizen special channel.

My mother is now aged 82yrs and bedridden and had filed a civil suit for partition at the hon'ble madras highcourt during 1996.
Even after 23yrs. the case is still in trial stage with so many adjournments.
It is requested to advise whether there are any channel for supersenior citizens for appealing and see the judgement before their lifetime ends?


 4 Replies

Shashi Dhara   14 June 2019

If once u enter into court it never ends their is no such law for senior citizen simply it is one partition suit so don't worry it will continue thru lrs god is great

gopi nath   14 June 2019

For every issue time frame is either available or time frame being fixed. Why not in judiciary?

Shashi Dhara   15 June 2019

Partition is slow process one willtake benfit and another deserves .benifit drags deserver pains.

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     15 June 2019

For the convenience of senior citizens, Bombay High Court has decided to give priority in its roster to the cases where at least one of the parties is above sixty years old, if such a request is made by the concerned party.

A circular issued on December 3, signed by the Registrar General of High court, says that Chief Justice and other Judges of the Bombay High Court, after have directed that precedence be given to the cases wherein senior citizens are involved.

“The Chief Justice and Judges have now directed that precedence be given by courts for hearing and final disposal of the cases wherein one of the parties has attained the age of sixty years and above,” it says.

This circular replaces a circular issued in 1999, whereby precedence was to be given to persons above 65.

“The courts may grant such an indulgence on written request,” added the circular.

The direction would be implemented at all the benches of the High Court and at the subordinate courts in the state.

Principal Judge of Bombay City Civil and Sessions court Shalini Phansalkar-Joshi has issued direction that the circular should be followed.

Published on December 08, 2013

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