what is the significance of any statement being made by I.O during cross examination in criminal trial
whether it will be evidence
s..i..n..g..h.. (member) 31 July 2010
what is the significance of any statement being made by I.O during cross examination in criminal trial
whether it will be evidence
S. Bharath (Advocate and Arbitrator Formerly Civil Judge) 31 July 2010
Any statement made by any person in an examination in court, whether in chief or cross, is evidence. I think your query needs to be specific or elaborate so members can respond suitably.
prashant pundhir (Criminal Lawyer) 16 March 2011
When the i.o appears before the court , his position is only of a wittness . So the cross examinatiom from an i.o is an evedience . In the criminal trial,cross examination with i.o is very important and must be done very carefully as how many faults defence founds in investigation, the case of defence becomes as much strong .