Sham Lal 10 March 2019
Kishor Mehta (CEO) 10 March 2019
Kishor Mehta (CEO) 10 March 2019
Suhail suhail (LAWYER) 10 March 2019
Please report to the nearest police station as the lift is threat to your life,just file the complaint and issue alegal notice for claim of damages.
SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager) 10 March 2019
Unfortunately, such situations need only God Father like people to intervene. But, alas, we cannot do that and go to only Courts which will not give you the judgement during your life time.
To scare the people and atleast stop them from mocking at you, issue a legal notice through your Lawyer setting out all the faults in the building highlighting the dangerous position of the lift, seeking damages for a minimum of Rs. 10,00 lakhs (there is no set amount for this kind) for the physical strain you underwent and mental worry you are subjected to. Problem is these builders normally are goons and very highhanded. Once you give the legal notice they may react a different manner also. You need to have your own people to defend you in case the builder and his side kicks decide to further harass you.
P. Venu (Advocate) 10 March 2019
Yes, the best option is to give a legal notice seeking compensation. So also, it is not the case that police remain passive in such case.