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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     07 January 2013

Why does Indian govt. allow movies that teach adultery,and thus spoil indian culture?

Let us take,for example-Karan Johar's movie Kabhi Alvida Na Kahna

In the movie Abhishek Bach.,who's Rani's husband loves her deeply although she cannot conceive..Any man in his situation wud have asked for a divorce or taunted her in his entire life that she is "baanjh".Her Father-in-law amitabh brings her up in childhood,as she is an orphan,and later marries her to abhishek.No dowry demands.Any girl wud die to have such a husband and doting in-laws.But what she gives back to them?cheating and death to amitabh who dies in grief after he learns of her extra marital affair.

similarly preity zinta continues living with and loving shahrukh khan who loses his career after becoming disabled.she never taunted him that he is now worthless,,never went after another capable rich man.still he used to abuse her and ran away with rani.

in the whole movie karan johar is trying to say that since rani and shahrukh have got tired of abhishek and preity it's right to leave them and run away after having s*x with each other.he has not all all focussed on the greatness of abhishek and preity who loved their spouses unconditionally despite their's rare to find such true spouses nowadays.


karan johar's ,main message is-no harm cheating your faithful partners if you get tired of them.

in that case,why doesnt he make movies that you can dump your parents after a few years once you get tired of serving them?

what is your say on this?shud we not boycott all his movies which only spread western culture of flirting, and of cheating in marriages?

even his movie kuch kuch hota hai shows archana pooran singh,a college lecturer flirting with anupam kher,a professor,who also falls for his students who wear short skirts.the guru shishya sacred relation is tarnished.  by this self centered film producer.


why do indians enjoy such movies?when any untoward incidents happen in any indian family(like adultery leading to divorce)they blame the western culture for foreigner has directed indians to make such movies.its govt's problem of allowing such movies to run,which are eroding our cultural values.and no foreigner has asked us to watch these movies many times in cinema halls and TV,and thereby make them superhit,which encourage such polluted minset directors to make even more movies like's our own doing.


on one hand indian govt shows concern of rising divorces in india,on the other hand it's always giving a nod to such third rate movies.this is quite strange.

please share your views..

 8 Replies

rajiv_lodha (zz)     08 January 2013

Indian Film Industry is a multi-billion business. See, films of all hues are there to watch. On one side is RANG-DE BASANTI, on other side are in-numberable new releases. Producers like KaranJohar sense the pulse of masses n know how to run the business. If films are made which show the life of ordinary citizens stuck in daily chorus to make both ends meet in the evening.....ppl term it a BLAND ONE n it can not gather much money at box office.

But the damage which is done to the society by polluting the minds of young generation is IR-REPAIRABLE ONE. Censor board has become a den of corruption, never mind how these movies may pollute the social fabric down the lane. Rape like crimes can not be controlled by passing strictest laws, we have to reach the root causes too. AND ONE OF THE SIGNIFICANT ROOT CAUSE IS TODAYS MOVIES WHICH SHOW EXTRAMARITAL S*X/PREMARITAL S*X/CASUAL S*X AS A NORM AND DEPICT FEMALE BODY IN A VULGAR WAY IN SO CALLED ITEM SONGS.

Apart from that the song-albums are further adding fuel to the fire.

JAYESH (Sr. Executive HR.)     08 January 2013

India is independent country and all Indians are free to do anything under some government rules & regulations. Indian film industry is one of the business organisation and its have all the rights to earn in India by making films under some rules & regulation. Also film industry is in between our society so film maker makes films what they see & experience in our Indian society. Also there are no such rules or regulation in our Indian government to ban such films. I agree with you that such films will support to the flame of unacceptable love that is adultery. To some extend I was a victim of this. I also don’t like such films which show that one partner is having extra marital affairs with someone other and also I don’t like films which shows that hero or heroine falls in love with married female or male and due to that marriage that couple collapse. By this kind of films many road romeo get courage and they try on girls of good family and if they fails then they will do something wrong to that girl or her family (like acid throwing, black mailing, rape, torturing and many more).


I also support that government should make some rules & regulation to control such things as now a days many film makers are being out of control.

sri (ceo)     09 January 2013

demo crazy

N. Krishnaswamy (Partner)     14 January 2013

I do not see films these days. But compared to pre 1980's,when  the producers had some sense of decorum and did not produce these psycosomatic cinemas, but they wanted to prodece really entertaining pictures to delightthe audience by innocuous comedies and with spiritual content involved with love like Madhumati, Mahal,Pakhiza etc. and adventurous pictures.

Now the American based influence of making money at any cost has entered in all the fields of activities in India and even in charity and noble professions, they want to make money like in educatin and health, which according to our original culture is a social service to keep up the knowledge and health of the society.

With incrase in showing and highlighting  of  explicit rape scenes, murder, kidnapping,adultery, women and girl teasing in schools and colleges, cpmpromising exposure of femal bodies and eloping, the cinema and Tv shows have encoureged the gulllible viewers to indulge in such activiities and it is growing. You can see the cinema actors who take  pleasure in publishing flierting,delayed marriages and qucik divorces thereafter in their real life and most of them live a horrible personal  life with no mental peace, exemplified by various suicides of such actors reported.

Our social norms have been developed in the past for the person to have a peaceful life during his liffe time and conduct of the members of society have been prescribed for that purpose.

It is not that rapes or eloping have not happened in the past but they were very rare and not publised widely as now.

The only way is for the Government to bring legislation that cinemas and TV shows should not broadcast highlighted scenes of  explicit rape scenes, murder, kidnapping,adultery, women and girl teasing in schools and colleges, compromising exposure of femal bodies and eloping and the censor should be stricit in implementing the same. At least it will reduce the incidents of such happening and release the police force and courts to look to the more imporatant economic offence related cases  and make the people llive a more secured life, without the necesityto depute more forces and to waste more momeys of the public taxes for these unproductive activities and avoid unnecessary and unproductive headaches to the government as has happened in the recent student rape case. 

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     14 January 2013

I waited enough to disagree the posts. 1) If a society imbibes certain things from mercurial screen , then the society is not matured, by the same token, there were many good movies which showcase the value, dedication etc, should have been practiced by society as well if movie is such influencer. here people love to take bad and leave good. If not movies, it is from serials and dramas, else from internet. so it is not media, it is mindset. Between a question to krishnaswamy sir, with all my respect to his age, if society of 1980 were so dedicated and respectful to woman, why dowry laws were enacted based on those days in 1961 ?? or later amendments in mid 80's?  Why corruption manifested in 70's and 80's which reached alarmingly high level? I see discrimination based on caste was so prevalent in period that you mentioned than now. So movies of black and white did not showcase dowry or caste yet, they were prevalent, by the same mean as movies in those days taught values, ethics , honesty and other holy things, all social menace would have been disappreaed during those days itself.

Selfishness started immediately after independence and that is dancing like evil in many forms now.

Selfishness ---> lack of empathy on fellow humans --> lack of judicial, adminstrative, polictical, efficiency --> more chalta hai and more crime

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     18 January 2013

Roshani Ji,


U r right, i see old film 1990 to 2000 it's very nice but now many film making only for business not  think about our Indian culture. Today in many moives dialog use very bad language in film and all r laughing on this word or seen of the movie.Actress are wearing a many short dresses in moives and dance are also western culture in our moive. Some moive are good but people not like this type moive becouse many type film make on western culture and people like this film.  

rajiv_lodha (zz)     18 January 2013

Most of present indian films are mere show of vulgarity. The music albums are following suit.

vaibhav jain (none)     13 February 2013

1st things 1st there are certain limits that should not be crossed. There is a provision in constitution by the name of article 19(1)(a) embodied in the constitution which is not being followd which stipulates right of censorship. i agree that there is a corruption or setting whatever u call but there is a harsh truth that producer's also want to make films like that which sells at the box office, & when there is a discretion excercised by censor there is a lot of hue & cry in papers. so there are people who are indulging nose in the work of cencor. giving a clean chit to media or movies will not suffice, because media is the form of communication, & communication involves sending & recieving so basically the question is not of sticking to the principles, but what we r seeing & obseving & its influence on Mind. suppose a child sees mobile in the hand of his friend, mobile is an expansive one he demands it from his father & gets it even though he has no need of it. so it is baseless to say that movies & media r not at fault. There is a proverb that seeing is believing so we r seeing such kind of thing & adhering more to them, as a result-:

1. More production of such kind of content

2. p*rn star becomes a celebrity

3. AS regards to dowry laws there was such a need at that time because daughter in laws were subjected to cruel treatment, there was a show of this in films where bahu was tortured( sau din saas ke). Although a change is need in the laws these days.


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