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Will france ever become a socialist state?


Will France ever become a Socialist State?





Capitalism has inherent power to squeeze socialist essence, making communism look a myth. The processes of convergence of social-political-economic systems have strengthened capitalism and considerably weakened socialism and further diluted image and the efficacy of socialist system. 


After the fall of socialist system in East Europe and Russia, the US led “triumphant” capitalist world, seeking foreign resources almost for free and its GFM (global fascist media) committed to imperialism, have successfully promoted anti-socialist ideas. Yet, socialist calls have remained in a few countries.  France is one.


Sept-11 hoax helped the USA to forcefully promote imperialist and capitalist ideas. Now France has brought back the socialist party to power after a huge gap of years.


Will France now under the rule of socialists become a really socialist nation?


Will the French socialists, who are being fooled and controlled by USA by feeding the “shared values” themes, let the socialist regime make the France a socialist nation to cater for the welfare of people or will it, as speculated in USA and UK, accelerate anti-people austerity measures in response to the economic crisis in Europe along with imperialist NATO terror wars abroad?


Or, will they continue to work for capitalists’ enemies. 

As part of European continent of colonial masters, French parliament now is being controlled by the contending bourgeois “left” parties without any sincere resolve for social or societal equalities.  



There is serious hint that the government appointed by the newly elected socialist Hollande, to rule France until the results of the June 17 legislative elections are known, would be an antithesis of socialist ideas and totally devoted to the interests of big business- that is the socialist regime would only help the capitalists and imperialists to thrive in France and region. In other words, socialists are promoting capitalism by taking imperial path. .


Many socialist leaders have built a bureaucratic power base in industrial France and do business for huge profits. Several big socialist figures maintain with deep connections in the business community. And people fear that these socialists would now try to increase their power base in socialist regime to pursue their family interests.


Capitalist and imperialist forces from abroad maintain close contacts with these elements. 


NATO fascism on Sept-11 hoax has muted socialist vigor in the world, including France. Not many socialists criticized Sarkozy’s foreign policy focusing on Islamic world, especially his attack of sovereign Libya and assassination of Col. Qaddafi. They raised no objections to the explosion of French militarism represented by Sarkozy’s military interventions in Ivory Coast, and Syria. A few of them even championed law-and-order hysteria and racist appeals to anti-immigrant sentiment.


The ruling classes existing for the promotion of the rich are making preparations for escalating repression and war against rising opposition in the working class.



Nicolas Sarkozy, Hollande’s conservative predecessor and campaigner for capitalism and imperialistic wars, provoked widespread anger by increasing his own pay. Decisions to reverse such silly things, if any, do not in any way affect the fundamentally anti-working class character of the incoming government.


Hollande, who made no criticisms of Sarkozy’s foreign policy during the election campaign, signaled that he might maintain Sarkozy’s close alignment with US imperialism on military matters. In his White House meeting with Obama, Hollande pulled back from election pledges to withdraw France’s 3,400 troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2012, saying he would evacuate only “combatant” troops. This leaves open the possibility that French troops will stay on as "trainers".


Socialist leaders, for whatever reasons, seek notes from capitalists while capitalists use that pretext to destroy socialism as a credible system.  




Just winning a poll by the socialist party alone does not make a nation socialist. That is just a democratic process by which socialist foundations could be laid legally. Socialism must be put into practice in the lives of people.  

France is not a socialist nation yet. Socialist regime and their cronies should make the nation and society socialist in orientation, purpose and content. Socialists cannot expect the capitalist lords thriving on exploitation of resources and human labor to promote socialism. 


In order to realize socialist goals, first of all, the socialist leaders must reinvigorate the socialist ideas and work for implementing socialist constitution for upholding socialist values.  French government must help the people stand on their own feet so that they could to do everything for themselves in a natural way in due course. 

It is fact that socialist system cannot work well if it is cornered or besieged by anti-socialist countries attempting, all the time, to destabilize socialist construction. But when France collaborate with essentially capitalist and imperils USA-UK terror twins or NATO terror syndicate, people do not take socialist slogan seriously enough!

President Hollande and his team as well as other social leaders must respect the popular sentiments by ensuring full growth of socialist system in France by denying entry for anti-socialist manipulators. Capitalism cannot be expected to promote, support or subsidize socialist system or truly equality values.


Socialists and their supporters themselves alone can build up a socialist state without expecting any help from anti-socialist, imperialist formations and parasitic enemies and self-centered individuals. While doing so, the leadership should try not to get into the trap of the enemy by crushing the human rights of people. The formidable enemy seeking to crush socialist gains would certainly use it as the most powerful weapon to end socialist formations. 


Socialists themselves should under no circumstances help the enemy, especially in monstrous USA and terrorist UK, in promoting anti-socialist propaganda.


Yes, France can become a socialist state in Europe. Hopefully, last May 6 will turnout to be the turning point in the history of France and life of its people.  

Paris has miles to go in the direction socialism. 


د. عبد راف 

Col Dr. Abdul RuffSpecialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst-columnist;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA  & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309

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