About gift deed from parents for express entry in canada
Tushar Mehta
(Querist) 19 August 2018
This query is : Resolved
I have got my ITA(Invitation to apply) for residency in Canada recently. For that I am supposed to show "Proof of funds". To provide me the required amount my parents are transferring their money to my account. And to justify that money they need to write a gift-deed. My question is that do they have to write two separate gift-deed forms, or mention all the details in a single gift-deed form.
Vijay Raj Mahajan
(Expert) 20 August 2018
The Gift Deed should be to the donee from the donor and if there are more than one donor, each should be giving the specific amount that he or she owns from his or her account to the donee. The joint Gift Deed will not be able to specify the exact amount being give by particular donor rather more confusion shall be there to satisfy the authorities. To be on saver side two separate Gift Deed each of the parent to execute in favour of the donee/son.
P. Venu
(Expert) 20 August 2018
What is the problem in executing two different gift deeds?
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 21 August 2018
There has to be two different gift-deeds.