Agm rights in housing society.
adv.bharat @ PUNE
(Querist) 23 May 2016
This query is : Resolved
a newly formed society memebrs wants to know AGM conducting procedure. Plz refer it for maharashtra.
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 24 May 2016
The usual procedure for the first AGM is as under:
The First General Body meeting of the Promoters, who have signed the Application for Registration of the Society, shall be held within the period of three months of the date of the
registration of the Society, as provided under Rule 59 of the Rules. It shall be the responsibility of the Chief Promoter of the Society to convene First General Body meeting within the stipulated period.
a.] At the First General Body Meeting of the Society, the following business shall be transacted :
i.] Election of a President for the meeting,
ii.] Admission of new Members (other than the promoters) who have applied for Membership of the Society.
iii.] Receiving and Approving the Statement of Accounts, as prepared by the Chief Promoter of the Society, as on fourteen days prior to the date of the First General Meeting of the Society
(i.e: as on the Date of Notice ).
iv.] Constitution of a Provisional Committee until regular elections are held under bye-laws of the Society. The Provisional Committee shall have the all powers and functions as that of the
Committee elected in accordance with the Act, Rules & Bye-laws.
v.] Fixing the limit up to which funds may be borrowed.
vi.] Authorizing the Committee to secure conveyance of the right, title and interest in the property in the name of the Society, from the Promoter/Builder,
vii.] Appoint internal Auditor of the Society for the year, if necessary and fix his remuneration.
viii.] Authorize One of the Members of the Provisional Committee to call the first meeting of the Provisional Committee,
ix.] Consider affiliation of the Society as Member of the Housing Federation of the District and other institutions mentioned in bye-law no. 6,
x.] Consider any other matter to be brought before the meeting with the permission of the Chair,excepting those requiring proper notice.
Good Luck,
Kishor Mehta
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 May 2016
Refer bye laws of society and discuss with old members / nearby society office bearers.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 28 May 2016
The government issued notification about the bye laws to be followed in this regard shall be available in the government department websites which will clearly explain the entire procedures for this. A perusal of the same may help you to know about the procedures in detail.