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Allahabad bank not giving joining on educational qualificati

(Querist) 13 August 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Respected experts I have been refused to give joining by Allahabad bank and the reason which they are stating is that my MBA HR subjects are not in accordance to the advertisement of IBPS. IBPS is a private organisation which conduct written exams and interview on behalf of different public sector bank for various posts like PO,SO , Clerk. I was selected for the post of specialist officer (HR) and allotted to Allahabad bank.
In the advertisement of ibps they have mentioned that candidate have to be specialised in HR or in case of dual Specialisation, one of the fields of Specialisation should be in the field prescribed. In case of major/minor Specialisation, major Specialisation should be in the stream prescribed.
Sir I have completed MBA major Specialisation in HR and minor in Finance. And fulfills almost all the criteria of advertisement. Now they are saying that the your subjects are not in accordance of IBPS Advertisement but nowhere it is written that which subjects have to be read in HR course, only written that your stream should be in field prescribed. It means I am eligible but they are making me ineligible for the post.
I gave exam on January 2016 and cleared interview in Feb 2016 . If they have to reject they could do it at the time of interview only,as they did a document verification just before the interview and only eligible candidates are sent for interview. Final result came on 1st of April stating you have been alloyed Allahabad bank as an HR officer post..
Now when the time came for joining formalities Allahabad bank is saying that your education qualification is not accordance with IBPS Advertisement. But my college, professor and even past recruited bank employees all are saying that your MBA HR degree fulfills all requirements.
So I request you to please suggest and provide guidance.
Thank you
P. Venu (Expert) 13 August 2017
Necessarily you need to move the High Court through a WP against the Bank as well the IBPS.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 13 August 2017
The declinature is verbal or in writing?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 13 August 2017
Write to Bank that you approached the Bank for joining and was not allowed to join.

Use RTI to get the specific reasons for not allowing to join.

May take legal steps after discussion with some senior lawyer.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 15 August 2017
1. Move to High Court in writ petition.
2. Meanwhile prepare for joining any other organisation skipping Allahabad Bank appointment.
krishna mohan (Expert) 17 August 2017
As you have cleared all process and has been offered Officer post, you can contest the rejection notice given in writing. If oral, better take the help of legal expert specialization on service matters to help you to send legal notice to the CMD of the Bank to permit you to join and when they respond in writing on your ineligibility, you can file write petition before the High Court by making the CMD of the Bank and IBPS as respondents to honour the offer of appointment issued after observing due procedure. Your University will be able to help you also on the validity of the degree viz. recognition of UGC, AICTE etc., so that Hon. High Court can be prayed for orders based on the recognition of the degree by statutory bodies.

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