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association & permises socities as per the law.

(Querist) 24 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
1.)what do u mean by flat owners association & permises socities as per the law.

2.)what are the tyes of conveyance deed in societies bye - laws in detail and when the are required & why they are required also the time bond to obtain it.

3.) what is structual audit & when it is done why itis done & the time bar to take the structual audit & how can take the audit which professional can take the audit.

4.)After the death of a memberof the socities upto what time the nominees have to apply to the socities also in which section it is provide.

5.) If a member wants to sublet the premisies & the society is not giving the permission to sublet then in such circumstances the registrar will have the power to give the permission as per which rule or section or act or law it is given.

6.) section 106 of the TPA transfer of property act in detail with the latest amendements if any.

please do the needful.

thanking u all experts in advance.

A V Vishal (Expert) 24 May 2009
Please be specific in your query, don't ask vague questions. You are asking different questions pertaining to different acts in a single query, you are confused. I suggest you to consult a good lawyer and seek clarifications, you can get answers to all your queries

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